February 1-28
2nd Floor Reference Desk | Teens & Adults
Calling all detectives! The Bureau of Tiny Things has requested the help of our intrepid investigators to solve a mystery full of puzzles, secrets, and miniature magical moments.…
Teen Winter Reading: Devour a Book
In ProgressJanuary 2 – February 28
Sign up at the Children’s Reference Desk during library open hours | Teens in Grades 6-12
Teens, drop by the library to pick out a free book and begin your #WinterReading celebration. With every book you consume,…
February 1-28
2nd Floor Reference Desk | Teens & Adults
Calling all detectives! The Bureau of Tiny Things has requested the help of our intrepid investigators to solve a mystery full of puzzles, secrets, and miniature magical moments.…
December 1 - February 28
Children’s Room | Kids & Families
I spy with my little eye something chilly! Find all the hidden pictures, then visit the children’s desk to claim your prize.
January 2 – February 28
Sign up at the Children’s Reference Desk during library open hours | Teens in Grades 6-12
Teens, drop by the library to pick out a free book and begin your #WinterReading celebration. With every book you consume,…
Tuesdays | 10:15 AM
Puett Room | Ages 1-2 years
Raise a reader with the library! Enjoy stories, songs and movement when you come to our interactive storytimes. Storytimes are 20-30 minutes. Stay afterwards to chat and play.
Mondays | 10:15 and 11:15 AM (two sessions)
Tuesdays | 11:15 AM
Thursdays | 11:15 AM
Puett Room | Ages Birth to 6 years
Raise a reader with the library! Enjoy stories, songs and movement when you come to our interactive storytimes.…
February 1-28
2nd Floor Reference Desk | Teens & Adults
Calling all detectives! The Bureau of Tiny Things has requested the help of our intrepid investigators to solve a mystery full of puzzles, secrets, and miniature magical moments.…
December 1 - February 28
Children’s Room | Kids & Families
I spy with my little eye something chilly! Find all the hidden pictures, then visit the children’s desk to claim your prize.
January 2 – February 28
Sign up at the Children’s Reference Desk during library open hours | Teens in Grades 6-12
Teens, drop by the library to pick out a free book and begin your #WinterReading celebration. With every book you consume,…
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December 4 & 18, January 8 & 22, February 5 & 19 | 10 AM-Noon
December 8, January 12 & February 9 | 2-4 PM
Library Technology Room | Adults
Have questions about managing your email account, accessing social media, downloading e-books,…
Los miércoles | 10:15 AM
Sala Puett | Nacimiento a 6 años
Wednesdays | 10:15 AM
Puett Room | Ages Birth to 6 years
Únete a nosotros para canciones, libros y juegos en inglés y en español.
Join us for songs, books and playtime in English…
Join us each week for an evening of English conversation! Enjoy a relaxed environment to practice common everyday phrases and conversational topics. All levels of English fluency are welcome. Led by an ESL tutor and certified instructor. No…
February 1-28
2nd Floor Reference Desk | Teens & Adults
Calling all detectives! The Bureau of Tiny Things has requested the help of our intrepid investigators to solve a mystery full of puzzles, secrets, and miniature magical moments.…
December 1 - February 28
Children’s Room | Kids & Families
I spy with my little eye something chilly! Find all the hidden pictures, then visit the children’s desk to claim your prize.
January 2 – February 28
Sign up at the Children’s Reference Desk during library open hours | Teens in Grades 6-12
Teens, drop by the library to pick out a free book and begin your #WinterReading celebration. With every book you consume,…
Thursdays | 10:15 AM
Puett Room | Ages 2-3 years
Raise a reader with the library! Enjoy stories, songs and movement when you come to our interactive storytimes. Storytimes are 20-30 minutes. Stay afterwards to chat and play.
Mondays | 10:15 and 11:15 AM (two sessions)
Tuesdays | 11:15 AM
Thursdays | 11:15 AM
Puett Room | Ages Birth to 6 years
Raise a reader with the library! Enjoy stories, songs and movement when you come to our interactive storytimes.…
Drop in for an hour of quiet writing! Be it a book, blog, script, or poem, write it here. Hosted through Shut Up & Write, attendees will: Show up, write quietly, then hang out or head out. Don’t just think about writing, come and get some…
February 1-28
2nd Floor Reference Desk | Teens & Adults
Calling all detectives! The Bureau of Tiny Things has requested the help of our intrepid investigators to solve a mystery full of puzzles, secrets, and miniature magical moments.…